Black Friday vs Leftovers

Posted By Don Sumner on Nov 28, 2014 |

Black Friday is about the hunt. It’s about grabbing a great deal, gridlock, and the mad press of people in every store, every intersection, every sidewalk.

Thanksgiving leftovers, on the other hand, is about relaxation. No huge meal to cook, no piles of dirty dishes, no people. Just all the great food from yesterday with none of the work.

We’re firmly in the “Thanksgiving leftovers” camp. If we’re honest, we have everything we need in the “stuff” department (perhaps a bit too much, actually), and don’t really need any more. However, when it comes to stuffing…and turkey, cranberries, creamy mashed potatoes, gravy, some yams, and perhaps a bit of pie? Pour a glass of wine (perhaps our Pinot Noir or Pinot Gris?) and call us happy!

We’re hoping your day is relaxing, too. Happy Day After!